Can’t beat a good vac
Please don’t make this another topic about hoovers…
where did you find that emoji @Bee
Sorry @Liath your thread has been hijacked for the third time now. First trolls, then recipes and now hoovers.
Tell Tim to get his magic duster out
Thought I’d make myself useful and stop hoovering (or stirring ) and get the thread back on track
Congrats @Liath on your progress and for staying on track whilst on holiday
It’s great you’re noticing your shape change
I’m having to double-take at your leg-press weights - is that right?
Seriously impressive if it is. I thought my 80kg was good I’m gonna have to work harder.
I can’t bench press cos I dislocated my shoulder and I’m out of action for another 6-12 weeks.
Good luck for the week ahead
Thank you @ChristinaT. Feeling good today, 16st 4lbs this morning and no muscle soreness from the gym so a double win. Also decided to finally break out the tape measure and I’m down 1” each on my chest and hips, 1.5” on my waist and 1.5” on my upper arms - bye bye batwings!
Yes, those leg press weights are right. Really enjoying the weightlifting and irrationally proud every time my numbers go up.
Sorry to hear you are injured, heal up quickly
Gym fuelled yesterday by a rather yummy mixture of chocolate premix, chocolate flavour boost and caramel flavour boost whizzed up with a banana and some almond milk. Very filling!
No worries! Sorry for derailing your entire thread
This sounds so good!!! Going to try that
16st 3lbs this morning which is the lightest I’ve been since 1st March 2016
The key turned out to be tracking my water consumption and making sure I hit 2 litres a day. I am really, really bad at getting distracted and forgetting to drink anything.
Get a 2 litre water vessel and top it up every morning. Don’t quit the day til you’ve emptied it.
That’s what I used to do basically, 1 litre bottle at home, 1 litre bottle at work. Don’t leave work without finishing the bottle at work, don’t go to bed without finishing the bottle at home.
Then my work got very erratic and I was travelling/working from different offices/working at home some days and got out of the habit.
Restart is to have a smaller bottle at home I fill first thing in the morning and drink before I leave for work/switch the laptop on. Then a bottle I have in my work bag that I fill when I start work, refill the bottle at home when I get back/finish for the day. I do find entering into my Fitbit dashboard helps me keep track though.
16st 1lb this morning. I’m getting within touching distance…
Going to try a new flavour today - Vanilla premix with frozen mango and pineapple. I’m a bit uncertain whether it will actually taste good but I’ve got bags of frozen fruit to use up so figured I’d give it a go.
Doing great
Look forward to hearing your verdict on the new flavour
And my verdict is meh. Couldn’t taste the mango at all, tiny bit of pineapple flavour as an aftertaste. It mostly just tasted like a slightly sweeter vanilla. Which is not bad, I like vanilla, but not what I was expecting.
I put 80g of frozen fruit in which is what I do with blueberries and cherries and is enough to get a decent flavour. I guess I could try it with a bigger portion of fruit but I’m not convinced it would make a difference. Seems to be the same thing as when I added peaches. I guess some fruits just don’t work well as they don’t have a strong enough flavour. That or my palate is rubbish!
That’s a shame. Sounded really delicious too. Perhaps might work better with Original rather than Vanilla.
Ugh. Bad, bad day today. All was going well until about 4.30pm when I finished a series of really irritating conference calls and legged it out of the house to pick up a prescription.
Cue bored/frustrated/aimless wandering around the town centre which ended with dinner in Nando’s and a triple scoop ice cream from the Dessert Parlour
No excuses, that was 100% emotional eating so I’m finishing up at 1800ish calories for the day. I wasn’t even hungry when I left the house. I’d had Vanilla Huel with cocoa powder and frozen cherries at 11.30am so was still feeling fine to wait for dinner at 7pm.
I will do better tomorrow.
I will do better tomorrow.
I will do better tomorrow…
1800 isn’t too bad. Perhaps it’s even break-even considering you did a lot of ‘wandering’ on foot. Plus a bit of ‘legging’ it.
Don’t worry about it.
A bad day is one where you chomp down 3-4000 calories and wipe out your entire deficit of the last 3 weeks
I’m pretty bad at doing that. If I get a hungry day, 4000 calories is just a snack and despite being 5ft nothing I can eat 5/6000 in a day no problem.
I blame it on the fact I used to do a ridiculous amount of exercise plus a really active job so my stomach has had 20yrs practice at large calorie intakes.
Now I’m sedentary apart from my routine trips to the gym or cycle-ride, plus older, plus on medication, I need only 1300-1600 to maintain. It’s hard to get used to
Business trip again this week. Starting well with a delay due to storms at Munich airport.
On the plus side I have now found somewhere to buy Alpro almond milk at the airport. This was previously a problem as my flight lands at 6pm and I take two trains to get to Nuremberg arriving at 21.02 by which time all the nearby supermarkets are closed. My only option is Lidl which only sells hugely over sweetened vanilla soya milk drink or dairy milk.
Edeka at Munich airport does a full range of non dairy milks including Oatly and Alpro
It’s crazy how much my weight can fluctuate due to water retention especially whenever I take a flight. Pre business trip weight on Monday = 16st 1lb, Friday morning after I got back = 16st 6lbs. Back to 16st 3lbs this morning.
Still experimenting with different additions to my vanilla Huel. Unimpressed by frozen strawberries as the taste isn’t that strong. I keep coming back to either frozen blueberries, or frozen cherries with cocoa powder.
Must try some new combinations to use up the bag of coffee premix I have. Nowhere near a strong enough coffee taste for me but I’m sure there must be some creative options…
I add Cacao boost to my coffee premix, I quite like it