To lose one stone

Weight has continued to plateau this week, but I am a 1lb down on last week. 14st 0.5lb.

Really difficult to get motivated with exercise, but want to rectify that.

Hi everyone.

So I put on the 0.2lb I lost so back to my starting weight :see_no_evil:. Must try harder.

Just gota keep at it! Itā€™s a marathon not a sprint inst it! My body has gotten used to Huel now so will get on the exercise :muscle:next week

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Completely forgot about this yesterday so weighing in a day late. I stayed exactly the same. Had a bit of a stressful week last week and healthy eating/hueling went out the window so actually Iā€™m pleased to have stayed the same. Getting back on the Huel today. Have a good weekend everyone.

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Morning all. Hope everyone has had a good week. Grey and wet here in the south west this morning. Iā€™m one pound down from last week. Part of me always hopes for bigger losses but I guess it all adds up.

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Good morning! I am 13st 8 3/4 thatā€™s a loss of pound, a pound a week is ideal, any more is unhealthy! Thatā€™s what I tell myself anyway!


Hi all! I would also like to join if thatā€™s okay! Iā€™m pretty much the same as @rhi, starting somewhere between 12 and 13 stone (will collect my scales from the storage unit today) - I would imagine nearer 13 thoughā€¦ One stone is a great start, then Iā€™m aiming for the 10s eventually!
Iā€™m hitting my first month on RTD and may go back to powder after that.
Always find a supportive team helps motivate and keep me on track!
I will probably weigh in on one of the weekend days rather than Friday. I start work pretty early so week days are trickier.
Something I found really helpful last time was to celebrate small wins along the way. If anyone would like to join me, here is my small win for yesterday:
I wasnā€™t going to drink alcohol, but I did. However I only had 3 drinks, then stopped. This is a reasonable adult amount and I have therefore woken up without a hangover! Woo!

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Hi all - forgot to weigh in yesterday! Iā€™ve lost another pound. 13st 13.6lbs.

Not a great weight loss but, I started at 17st 12lbs in September 2019 - and this is the first time Iā€™ve been under 14 stones in - I think - about a seven years.


Thatā€™s something to be proud of so donā€™t beat yourself up if a week doesnā€™t achieve much


A 900g loss for me this week. Iā€™m totally happy with that as around 1kg is my individual target for a sustainable loss.

It has been a really stressful week and Iā€™ve managed not to veer* off course so Iā€™m feeling pretty chuffed with myself right now!

Well done to all of you have have stuck with it this week! :muscle:t2:

*This autocorrected to beer - which was somewhat cruel and ironic because 8 pints is exactly how I would want to destroy this diet right now :joy:

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Missed the log last week as I was at a funeral , that week was poor and put on!

Back on track this week, been trying to eat only within 12pm - 8pm window, just water Diet Coke or coffee /tea outside.

Today back to 14ā€™7

I put on a pound this week but celebrations with the kids so KFC and Macdonalds! Need more will power!

Since lockdown Friday night has become movie and takeaway night and Iā€™m constantly trying to pick the ā€˜bestā€™ thing I can which is becoming difficult especially when itā€™s Chinese or Pizza! Nandoā€™s tonight so hoping to keep that below 1000 cal, and manage on 600 today until then!

Hi everyone. I am still exactly the same weight!!! I WILL try harder this week!!!

Hi everyone. 12st 5.5. (Down 1.5) chuffed as I have been eating and drinking a lot of unnecessaries. Well done all. X


Ooft, well I bought new scales last week and my original prediction of being between 12 and 13 stone was a bit off! Last Sunday I came in at 13st 4.8ā€¦ Itā€™s the heaviest I have been so was a bit of a shock, though I have also been eating the worst and exercising the least, so I suppose I shouldnā€™t really be surprisedā€¦
Anyway. Good result this morning as I am down to 13st 1.7 - making a loss of about 3lb this week. Iā€™m sure a bit of that is water weight but still pretty chuffed as have been consistently at 1500kCal / day or less, with 3 RTDs a day forming my meals at 400 each, and a few coffees with oat milk (180-240kCal total depending on how many), and a piece of fruit on the first few days of the week.

Feeling good overall. Had a poopattack on one day, but other than that, no issues and energy levels have been great.

Well done all this week!

1lb loss this week, 14ā€™6 .

My wife has now also started watching what sheā€™s eating etc so should make weekend choices inc less alcohol easier :+1:t2:

I am 13st 10 today. So put on a pound, Iā€™m not sure why! I am running three times a week and 2 huel shakes a day with a healthy meal

1.3lb loss for me :slight_smile:

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Must be muscle from all that running :smiling_face: