V3.0 is here!

Yes. Ginger doesn’t help :pensive:
I have an allergy / intolerance to yeast

I have a sensitive stomach and found that Huel was one of the few things I could eat without any issues and it was cruelty free, perfect. Tasted so delicious like a thick milk shake. Too good to be true!

I ran out last month so invested in 6 more bags for £300 to last me ages. But they arrived with what turns out to be v3 Huel, smells a little fungal, is no longer the texture of a thick milk shake that I loved. Grainy. Worse thing is it gives me HORRENDOUS smelly wind and gut ache. I have been up every night for 2 weeks trying to figure out what was causing it. Just removed the Huel and all fine. Phew! Anyone like to buy them from me :frowning: :frowning: ?

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you can return the unopened ones for a refund if you don’t find any takers

Back here after some months. I stoped with Huel when 3.0 came, my stomach didn’t agree at all. But I miss the simplicity of it. So I am curious, @ChristinaT @Bee, how is it going for you, Is it still like that or have you found an alternative? How is with the RTD, same?

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I’m fine with RTD, I didn’t continue with v3 powder, I instead stocked up on v2.3 and I still have a cupboard full which will keep me going until the end of the year!
The bar version and the powder version both changed at the same time and I think that it was the new bars that caused most of my problems not the new v3 powder after all, although I can’t be sure.
I love the new bars and they definitely give me bloating! I have six boxes left and when they are gone I will take a break from them and try the v3 powder again to see if I can tolerate it.

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Like @ChristinaT I stopped buying v3 and stuck with v2.3 as long as I could. Then bought Black but considering trying v3 again soon. I too love the bars but they cause me problems so giving them a miss for a while.


Hello Tim I have a question that I am very curious about.

Could you make between the Huel members a quick test of measuring how the people use the scoop normally?

This is interesting because maybe the average 2 scoop of the huelingans is 370kcal or 450kcal instead of 400kcal.

The test: Make some people use 2 huel scoops without telling them what is that for. Then weigh it and calculate the average.

Yea I never scoop the same amount twice. My 1st scoop this morning was 40 and my second scoop was 33. I only ever get nearer to 50 is if my scoop is overflowing and then my shaky hand makes a mess transferring to my blender. I always weigh as my scooping technique is to inaccurate.

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But what are you trying to prove? If it’s to find out whether the scoop is an accurate form of measurement or not then I can tell you right now it is not! Each scoop will return a different amount of powder, it’s just how Huel forms together, there are often air pockets in the scoop of Huel.

Most people are ok with this, whether you scoop 370 or 450. Those looking to accurately track calories though should weigh their Huel on a scale.

I am just interested for people that uses no weigh scales how much is the average 2 scoops.

Imagine that the average is 480kcal per 2 scoops. I think that should be communicated as a friendly reminder, that people should press less when using the scoop. Or the opposite if the average per 2 scoops is 320kcal.

I think the result would be ok, but I think its worth testing. Also is a useful information for the video “How to make Huel”