Introducing v3.1 🖤

What I find confusing is, that there is both Original and Vanilla. If both contain vanilla, would that not be redundant?
Maybe it’s better to stick to unflavoured/unsweetened and add some sweetener.

I dunk a couple of beaver’s anal glands in some UU to get a nice vanilla hit. It’s a bit like teabagging.


The naming convention maybe confusing at first to new customers but original, despite being a “vanilla” flavour, tastes completely different to vanilla. Original has a light vanilla malty oaty taste and is more of a neutral base from which to add your own flavours, which I do with cacao powder. That was always the original purpose of this flavour, and the current original is as close as Huel could get to the original original flavour from when the brand launched after switching to natural flavours a year or so ago.

In contrast the vanilla flavour is a strong vanilla flavour in its own right and is sold along side the other flavours like mint chocolate etc with the expectation the customer wouldn’t be adding anything else to these flavours.

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Vanillin is omnipresent in so many foods you buy as it’s used to not only add its own distinct flavour but also smooth out other harsher or bitter flavours. You’ll find it in confectionary, ice creams, cookies & cakes, pastries, milkshakes / smoothies, ground spices, cereals, sauces even alcohol matured in oak barrels (where it occurs naturally and isn’t added). There was even someone on here once who was complaining about the taste of chocolate as it was the only flavour they liked because they were allergic to vanilla. Chocolate products almost always have vanillin added to smooth the taste unless you get a very high percentage plain chocolate bar.

I believe the vanilla in Original is there to smooth out the earthy taste so you get the oat taste coming through without it tasting like sweetened UU or the regular vanilla flavour as @Coup described.

Thanks for the information!

I have to find a new flavour, after having a gastric ulcer and severe gastritis. Something mild, with a relatively neutral flavour.

As if have ARFID I am glad you removed the lycopene, as I do not have to remove those colored streaks with a spoon. But my impression is that most people have a different opinion, and see it as a nutritional downgrade.

Quoting from your article on “phytonutrients in Huel”:


Although not essential per se, there is concern that diets low in this carotenoid may lead to macular degeneration of the eye in the elderly, as lutein is involved in eye pigment development[[4,5]. Lutein is also an interesting antioxidant. A small amount of lutein in Huel Powders and Hot & Savoury is present from the flaxseed and quinoa (Hot and Savoury only), and we’ve also added additional natural lutein extracted from the Mexican marigold plant.

I understand that you did not want to increase the price - you seem to be the only complete food brand that kept prices constant. The cost seems to be that you are no longer the market leader with respect to nutritional quality. Maybe it would be a good idea to offer superfood powders or other additions like supplements for those who value nutritional quality more than a lower price.

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Thanks for your comment :blush: It won’t surprise you that I’d challenge you on the point regarding nutritional quality, but your feedback is heard & you can be assured that we are always innovating and finding ways to improve. Our Daily Greens launch in the US is an example of a new avenue for us!

Just got my first batch of 3.1. The texture is great, smoother and less likely to clump. I have to say the new chocolate is disgusting though, pretty sad as that’s my go-to flavour, have 6 bags to get through :frowning: It’s be made sweet and with that chemically aftertaste you get from cheap chocolate. Tastes like a bad imitation of Hershey’s

I’m surprised people are saying the new flavours are a lot sweeter when they only increased the sweetness level by 0.01% (although I suppose in relative terms to refined sugar that’s like 6%) and especially with chocolate - as they switched to Belgian chocolate which is normally less sweet. I guess I’ll find out on the next order…. you could try adding a pinch of salt I guess to level it out.

6 bags without trying it first is jumping in the deep end, respect!
Hope you can find something to add.

I’m not so keen on chocolate (except Essential, but that’s cause it tastes like biscuits) but a fifty-fifty mix of BE Choc with Strawberry/Cream is fab. Like drinking cake. Maybe Berry 3.1 would do the same?

Can’t you return the unopened bags? Usually this is not a problem.

I’m so sorry to hear this, please reach out to us at so we can see what we can do to help!

I had the same reaction to it. If you stick with it long enough you will adapt to the flavor. It also helps a lot to add a pinch of salt to bring out the chocolate flavor.

Yeah, I know the taste is heavily personal, but I kinda got used to new Chocolate, so may be that will happen to you as well.
On the less positive note, I’m losing hope on Berries and new Coffee (sorry, Carmel Coffee)

Already, went through ~4 of 8 bags or so, so I doubt I’ll get used to it (and honestly not sure, if I want to get my taste buds used to this sweetener-heavy/ chemical taste - then I may even start liking sugary drinks that I happily avoid in my life)

Calling this 3.1 instead of 4.0 makes no sense from a consumer perspective.

The 3.0 and 3.1 powders have a very different consistency, smell and taste and also changed nutritional value.

I only have the chocolate flavor, but nothing about its taste is improved. It tastes artificial, too sweet and I can’t taste any chocolate. If anything, it is closer to the old berry flavor than a chocolate flavor.

That is not to say that I think the 3.1 power is necessarily worse than the 3.0 version, but the naming is just misleading.

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I posted something about the vanilla 3.1 when I got it a while back about a strange aftertaste but couldn’t put my finger on it. I’ve read a few comments on here about the taste of and I have to agree with that artificial, almost soapy aftertaste. At first thought it was just vanilla but it’s in original too😬 (not as bad but still there). I am getting used to it but it is still there and very much present. I don’t know if this is something that can be passed on to the team?

Of course, all feedback received will be passed across to our product team. If you’re finding you’re unable to consume v3.1 then please reach out to us at so we can see if there is anything we can do to help.

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My last 6-bag order of 3.0 gluten-free is about to finish and my new 6-bag will come in October. I am pretty sure the new batch will be 3.1. Reading these comments make me think if I should actually go Black instead.

Is there anybody here who can compare Black Chocolate vs Gluten-free 3.1 Chocolate in terms of sweetness and overall taste?

Where did you get the gluten-free powder? At least in the German webstore almost all of it is out of stock.

The macro-split of black edition is very different to what is officially recommended - even the standard edition contains more protein and fats than the official recommendation. If you still have other things, that should not be a problem. Only if you are on a 100% diet you may want to have a second look. Plant protein seems to be better than protein from animal-sources, but various bad side effects have been reported for high-protein-diets.

Black Edition does have major advantages, though. It is smoother, and not only gluten-free but also completely grain-free. And it contains additional antioxidants.

There is no “one-fits-all” solution. What is best depends on your overall lifestyle.

Trying the choc mint one.

Not impressed to be honest. I only ever baught the white version for the taste of this one and to mix it up a bit from the black edition.

Overall gone from 9/10 to 5/10. Why change?

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